Last week in BSD
New BSD Magazine - FreeBSD anniversary - PC-BSD future plans - Playstation 4 OS based on FreeBSD - BSDCan ReportFreeBSD on Rails - BSD Magazine

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BSDCan Trip Report
PC-BSD Contest: Default PCDM Theme

I wanted to take this time to give you a status update on PC-BSD / TrueOS, and the direction going forward. As many of you know, we’ve been doing builds of 9.1-RELEASE and 9-STABLE as a “Rolling-Release”.
In addition to the rolling release, we also have some other cool new projects in the works. The first among these is our work to make ZFS the cornerstone of the PC-BSD/TrueOS experience.
In addition to re-focusing on solely on ZFS as our default file-system, we have had to take a look at the feasibility of continuing with the i386 builds. As many of you know, ZFS is a 21st century operating system and doesn’t play nicely with the legacy i386 kernel / versions of FreeBSD. In addition over the past couple years, more and more of time-consuming issues we’ve encountered have been only on i386, partly due to the fact that most FreeBSD devs have already moved on to 64bit and also due to the quickly shrinking number of users / systems that still run i386. In order to make PC-BSD / TrueOS, secure, stable and timely, we’ve decided to drop the i386 builds going forward, and instead focus on a single 64bit architecture. This means the next editions of rolling-release and 9.2 onward will be 64bit only.
For those helping us test the rolling-release now, I hope to have a new ISO + package set available in the next week or so, which includes the new GRUB boot-loader for Boot-Environments.
FreeBSD, 20 years young
To: (Interim 0.1.5)To read more about FreeBSD’s history, have a look here ( and here (wikipedia).
Subject: Re: “386BSD” trademark (fwd)
From: David Greenman <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 93 17:26:02 -0700
> Okay folks.. taking new name suggestions.. we have:
> BSDFree86 – Rod, who is going with Jordans improved NON BSDI name..
> Free86BSD – Jordan, Rod likes this one two…
> – (F86BSD for short)
> vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
> v v
> v This is the hat to drop yours in! v
> v v
> vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
How about just simply “FreeBSD”? No confusion, no fuss, seems like a good compromise to me. :-)
FreeBSD: Details about Playstation 4 OS development
The Operating System is called “Orbis OS”. It is a modified version of FreeBSD 9.0.
We aren’t sure if this will bring again the “Other OS” functions to Playstation 4 (remember that this option enabled Playstation 3 to install other OS in the console like linux or windows).
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