BSD News 13/01/14

For live BSD news follow discoverBSD on twitter at @janhovancik

Last week in BSD
Releases: PC-BSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD
Other news:  BSDTalk, DragonFly BSD, Halon Security, JabirOS, BSDnow, Google Summer of Code, ssh,


New release of SR (OpenBSD based router/firewall) SR 3.2-R1

PC-BSD 10.0-RC3 now available 

Notable features and changes from RC2 are:
  • Includes FreeBSD 10.0-RC3 from 12/26/2013
  • Updated KMS / AMD driver support
  • ISO file is a hybrid USB file, and can be “dd”ed to a USB media.
  • New text-based installer
  • New UEFI loader on installation media
  • Able to select between GRUB/BSD loaders during installation
  • New desktops! Gnome 3, Mate (Replaces Gnome2) and Cinnamon
  • And much more
Use the ISO with caution (not on production systems) and let the PC-BSD dev team know of any issues you may come across.

FreeBSD 10.0-RC5 Now Available

Changes between -RC4 and -RC5 include:
  • Fix an IPv4 multicast regression.
  • Fixes OpenSSL for CVE-2013-4353, CVE-2013-6449, CVE-2013-6450.
  • Revert a change to the kinfo_file structure to preserve ABI.
  • Fix a race condition which could prevent the file descriptor table from being properly updated.

OpenBSD-current is now 5.5-beta 

changelog page and see what the upcoming goodies are (newqueue and automated install comes to mind), then install and test! New snapshots with a 5.5-beta version tag should be appearing on your favorite mirror shortly (and has been spotted at the .eu mirror).
Time to head over to the

Other news

bsdtalk237 – The FreeBSD Journal with George Neville-Neil 

An interview with George Neville-Neil about the upcoming FreeBSD Journal electronic magazine.  More information at

File Info: 22Min, 10MB.

Ogg Link:

Halon One of Four Cloud and Virtualization Security Startups to Watch in 2014

Stated in Enterprise Networking Planet by Jude Chao, Halon is certainly a Cloud and Virtualization Security startup to watch in the future.
Read the article and statements made by Halon Security Inc CEO, Jonas Falck.

JabirOS 2.0-RELEASE sources are available on our server

JabirOS 2.0-RELEASE sources are available on our server.
Features :
  1. Completely forked.
  2. Based on 10-RC5
ISO images will be available soon.

The Installfest | BSD 19 

download (size: 486 MB )
We've got some special treats for you this week on the show. It's the long-awaited "installfest" segment, where we go through the installer of each of the different BSDs. Of course we also have your feedback and the latest news as well... and... we even have our very first viewer contest! There's a lot to get to today on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

Code stuff
RTL8191SE support 
PC-BSD Weekly Feature Digest
GSoC: SysV IPC code added in 
cyapa mousepad support grows 
In Other BSDs for 2014/01/11 
PC-BSD Weekly Feature Digest 

Interesting articles
Tracking the bleeding edge of DragonFly 
DragonFly on a Chromebook c720  
Hal, dbus, and VMWare tip. Also pkg locking
McKusick Denies FreeBSD Lagging on Security, ITWire, Sam Varghese 
Tricks for making ssh/scp connections better



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