BSD News 03/02/14

Last week in BSD
Releases: NetBSD, PC-BSD
Other news:  DragonFly BSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Unix, BSDNow


NetBSD 6.1.3, NetBSD 6.0.4, NetBSD 5.2.2, and NetBSD 5.1.4 patch releases 

The NetBSD Project is pleased to announce:
  • NetBSD 6.1.3, the third security/bugfix update of the NetBSD 6.1 release branch,
  • NetBSD 6.0.4, the fourth security/bugfix update of the NetBSD 6.0 release branch,
  • NetBSD 5.2.2, the second security/bugfix update of the NetBSD 5.2 release branch,
  • and NetBSD 5.1.4, the fourth security/bugfix update of the NetBSD 5.1 release branch
These releases represent a selected subset of fixes deemed important for security or stability reasons. Updating to one of these versions is recommended for users of all prior releases.
For more details, please see the NetBSD 6.1.3 release notes, the NetBSD 6.0.4 release notes, the NetBSD 5.2.2 release notes, or the NetBSD 5.1.4 release notes.
Complete source and binaries for NetBSD 6.1.3, NetBSD 6.0.4, NetBSD 5.2.2 and NetBSD 5.1.4 are available for download at many sites around the world. A list of download sites providing FTP, AnonCVS, SUP, and other services may be found at

PC-BSD 10.0-RELEASE is Now Available

PC-BSD 10.0-RELEASE is now available for download!
A special thank you to all the developers, testers, translators and docs team members who helped make this release possible.
10.0-RELEASE notable features:
  • Includes FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE
  • Updated KMS / AMD driver support
  • ISO file is a hybrid USB file, and can be “dd“ed to a USB media.
  • New text-based installer
  • Able to select between GRUB/BSD loaders during installation
  • New desktops! Gnome 3, Mate (Replaces Gnome2) and Cinnamon
For a more complete list, checkout the What’s New in 10.0.

Other News

The BIG FreeBSD 10 Installation/Upgrade POLL   

FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE became available just over a week ago and we thought it would be interesting to do a poll on FreeBSD 10-RELEASE installations and upgrades. This to find out how many people want to use the latest and the greatest, and how many of you are happy with what they’re already running etc.

FreeBSD Foundation Announces 2013 Fundraising Results

We have our final fundraising results from 2013 and are pleased with the results. In 2013 we raised $768,562 from 1659 donors. If you compare the number with 2012, of $771,193 from 1855 donors, it was a little lower. The difference is primarily because 2012 blew out its goal of raising $500,000.

We have already started our 2014 fundraising efforts. As of the end of January we are just under $40,000. Our goal is to raise $1,000,000. We are currently finalizing our 2014 budget. We plan to publish both our 2013 financial report and our 2014 budget soon.

OpenBSD: Call for Testing: acpiasus(4)  

Paul Irofti (pirofti@) posted to tech@ a call for owners of ASUS laptops to test a diff that may fix attach behaviours.

Journaled News-Updates | BSD Now 22

We talk with George Neville-Neil about the brand new FreeBSD Journal and what it's all about. After that, we've got a tutorial on how to track the -stable and -current branches of OpenBSD. Answers to all your BSD questions and the latest headlines, only on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

Code stuff
Adding code, removing more code to reduce duplication 
DragonFlyBSD: Time zone changes 
Intel video users, please note
Did I mention new USB?
whoami? I’m PC-BSD 10.0! — Weekly Feature Digest 15 
In Other BSDs for 2014/02/01

Interesting articles
n2k14 hackathon report: deraadt@ on random seeds, signing and hibernation 
The short list #5: coredumping with sudo on #FreeBSD 
Unix: Tracking down ghost accounts 
Email delivery headaches 
BSD Releases January 2014 



software developer - guitar player - poetry lover

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