Releases: NetBSD, FreeNAS
Other News: DragonFly BSD, pkg, FreeBSD, n2k14, OpenBSD, JabirOS, NetBSD, BSDnow
NetBSD 6.1.3, NetBSD 6.0.4, NetBSD 5.2.2, and NetBSD 5.1.4 patch releases
These releases represent a selected subset of fixes deemed important for security or stability reasons. Updating to one of these versions is recommended for users of all prior releases.
For more details, please see the NetBSD 6.1.3 release notes, the NetBSD 6.0.4 release notes, the NetBSD 5.2.2 release notes, or the NetBSD 5.1.4 release notes.
Complete source and binaries for NetBSD 6.1.3, NetBSD 6.0.4, NetBSD 5.2.2 and NetBSD 5.1.4 are available for download at many sites around the world. A list of download sites providing FTP, AnonCVS, SUP, and other services may be found at
FreeNAS 9.2.1-RC2
Announcing FreeNAS 9.2.1-RELEASE
After one BETA, two Release Candidates, and many nightly builds (which many of you tested, to our everlasting gratitude) we are, as always, proud to announce the public availability of FreeNAS 9.2.1-RELEASE.
FreeNAS 9.2.0 was a great release, and we’re pleased to say that FreeNAS 9.2.1 is even better! Since 9.2.0 was released, we have fixed over 189 bugs, added new features, polished the UI, and improved the performance of FreeNAS even further!
The documentation has also been updated for 9.2.1, though the source code (see release notes) is still a useful reference for features like the web API, which comes with several examples in the source tree.
Other news
DragonFly and Google Summer of Code 2014
Already asked this question on kernel@, but repeat it here. Who is interested in mentoring for DragonFly, for Google Summer of Code 2014? The org application period is starting today, and it would be neat to do this for a seventh year in a row.
Time to bid farewell to the old pkg_ tools
There comes a time in the life cycle of just about every software package that it has bee re-evaluated, refreshed, deprecated or just retired.
It is time that we bid farewell to the old pkg_* software that has been part of FreeBSD since the beginning, and has served us well. After years of development, testing, and playing, pkg(8) has become a suitable replacement.
Time Signatures | BSD Now 23
We’ll be talking with Ted Unangst of the OpenBSD team about their new signing infrastructure. After that, we’ve got a tutorial on how to run your own NTP server. News, your feedback and even… the winner of our tutorial contest! It’s a big show, so stay tuned to BSD Now – the place to B.. SD.
Code Stuff
n2k14 Hackathon Report: krw@ on dhcp and disk labels
Working on Final version, What will I see in 2.0-RELEASE?
New C-state possibilities
C-state sysctl followup
PC-BSD Weekly Feature Digest 16
In Other BSDs for 2014/02/08
Interesting articles
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Creating PBI’s with EasyPBI
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httperf tuning for #FreeBSD testing
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