Releases: NetBSD, MidnightBSD
Other news: PC-BSD, NetBSD, mksh, LibreSSL, BSDNow
NetBSD 6.1.5 and 6.0.6 released
The NetBSD Project is pleased to announce NetBSD 6.1.5, the fifth security/bugfix update of the NetBSD 6.1 release branch, and NetBSD 6.0.6, the sixth security/bugfix update of the NetBSD 6.0 release branch. They represent a selected subset of fixes deemed important for security or stability reasons, and if you are running a prior release of either branch, we strongly suggest that you update to one of these releases.
For more details, please see the NetBSD 6.1.5 release notes or NetBSD 6.0.6 release notes.
Complete source and binaries for NetBSD are available for download at many sites around the world. A list of download sites providing FTP, AnonCVS, SUP, and other services may be found at
#midnightbsd 0.5.2-RELEASE is available via SVN. It fixes a regression with #mksh R50c and includes R50d.
Other news
mksh R50d released
The last MirBSD Korn Shell update
broke update-initramfs because I accidentally introduced a
regression in field splitting while fixing other bugs – sorry!
mksh R50d was just released to fix that, and a small NULL pointer dereference found by Goodbox on IRC. Thanks to my employer tarent for a bit of time to work on it.
Behind the Masq | BSD Now 58
LibreSSL 2.1.0 Released
mksh R50d was just released to fix that, and a small NULL pointer dereference found by Goodbox on IRC. Thanks to my employer tarent for a bit of time to work on it.
Behind the Masq | BSD Now 58
LibreSSL 2.1.0 Released
Bob Beck (beck@) has
the release of LibreSSL 2.1.0:
We have released LibreSSL 2.1.0 - which should be arriving in the LIbreSSL directory of an OpenBSD mirror near you very soon. This release continues on with further work from after OpenBSD 5.6 code freeze. Our intention is to finalize LibreSSL 2.1 with OpenBSD 5.7 As noted before, we welcome feedback from the broader community. Enjoy, -Bob
Code stuff
Testers: CentOS 6.5 Emulation and New AppCafe
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