BSD News 02/06/14

Last week in BSD
Releases: DragonFly BSD, ArchBSD, GhostBSD
Other News: BSDTalk, OpenBSD, ArchBSD, Unix, twitter, FreeBSD, BSDCan, PC-BSD


ArchBSD: New iso and img for i686 and x86_64 

Claudiu Traistaru wrote:
New ISO`s (still experimental ) are available on the ftp. Have fun and try to provide feedback using our irc channel #archbsd available on or the http.

DragonFly 3.8 release candidate available

Please try the release candidate if you can.  I have links in post to users@/kernel@.  Don’t forget the remaining issues!  Planned release date is June 4th.

DragonFly 3.8RC2 out 

GhostBSD 4.0 BETA 1 now available

After a long awaited time the first BETA build of the 4.0-RELEASE release cycle is available on SourceForge for the amd64 and i386 architectures.
The image checksums, ISO images and USB images are available here:

Other news

BSDCan 2014 Videos Online   

Via the fine folks at BSDNow, videos from BSDCan are finally being made available:

The Friendly Sandbox | BSD Now 39  

This time on the show we'll be talking with Jon Anderson about Capsicum and Casper to securely sandbox processes. After that, our tutorial will show you how to encrypt all your DNS lookups, either on a single system or for your whole network. News, emails and all the usual fun, on BSD Now - the place to B.. SD.

Interesting articles
OpenBSD Developer Bob Beck Interviewed on BSDTalk 
Preventing the next Heartbleed 
A trip down Unix memory lane 
Groff the BSD Goat 
How to block traffic by country-IPs? 
BSDCan 2014 - John's Recap  
BSDCan 2014 - Craig's Recap 
BSDCan Trip Report: Warren Block 
BSDCan Trip Report: Michael Dexter 
[UPDATE] BSD and/on Twitter 
Expand FreeNAS with plugins 

Code stuff
New Security Advisory: NetBSD-SA2014-005 libXfont multiple vulnerabilities 
DragonFly in GCC tests 
wpa_supplicant, hostapd updated 
Development News GhostBSD - 5/29/2014 
Weekly Feature Digest 30 
In Other BSDs for 2014/05/31 



software developer - guitar player - poetry lover

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